Bills of rights for social network sites
From CFPWiki
Tuesday, 2:45 p.m. (Pacific time), webcast at
What rights should social network users have? What is the potential value of a Social network users' bill of rights? Kicking off a discussion we hope will continue throughout the conference, authors of several recent bills of rights will share their perspectives. If you can't be there in person, please join us on the #BillOfRights Twitter hashtag!
For more information about the CFP Social Network Users' Bill of Rights, please see our blog posts It's time for a Social Network Users' Bill of Rights and What rights should social network users have?
- Lisa Borodkin: Los Angeles-based Internet and media attorney and contributor to LAist
- Madeleine Bodisco: Steering Committee Member,
- Jack Lerner: Director of the USC Intellectual Property and Technology Law Clinic
- Kurt Opsahl: Senior Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Jon Pincus: Chief Technology Officer, Qworky, and CFP 2010 co-chair
- Mark Sullivan: Senior Editor, PC World