Talk:A Social Network Users' Bill of Rights
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During the first three days of the conference, we'll discuss and draft a Social Network Users' Bill of Rights -- and then debate and vote on it on Friday. Our goal for this project is to spark broad discussion about privacy, free expression, control of information, the ability to leave and take your data with you, and other rights on social network sites. We'll kick things off Tuesday afternoon at the panel on Bills of rights for social network sites, and discuss it on Twitter, Facebook, and our blog as well as in-person. See the conference web site for the latest information.
Current schedule:
- Tuesday: discuss prior work at the Bills of rights for social network sites and come up with a rough draft
- Wednesday: refine at the Unconference, along informal discussions and caucusing during breaks and at the reception
- Thursday: more informal discussions, followed by a Twitter chat and Birds of a Feather session in the evening for the final drafting
- Friday: debate and vote at the closing session
- It's time for a Social Network Users' Bill of Rights and What rights should social network users have?, Jon Pincus, Computers, Freedom, and Privacy
- We, the users -- Facebook users' bill of rights, Jack Lerner and Lisa Borodkin, SF Gate, May 21
- A Bill of Rights for Facebook Users, Mark Sullivan, PC World, May 20
- A Bill of Privacy Rights for Social Network Users, Kurt Opsahl, EFF's Deep Links blog May 19
- Global Privacy Standards for a Global World, The Madrid Privacy Declaration, November 2, 2009
- (置顶)呼吁网络公民联署《网络人权宣言》(更新中 , posted in English as Internet Human Rights Declaration, October 11, 2009
- Constitutional Convention,, 2007-2008
- A Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web, Joseph Smarr et al., Open Social Web, September 5, 2007
- The Data Bill of Rights, John Battelle, April 25, 2007
- Call for a Social Networking Bill of Rights, Duncan Work, Planetwork Jornal, July 2004
- A Cyberspace Independence Declaration, John Perry Barlow, February 9, 1996